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  • To find a cure for pancreatic cancer in honor of Cotton Raper and the thousands of people who are diagnosed with this disease each year.

  • To be recognized as a reference source for pancreatic cancer patients and their families.

  • To fund projects and programs designed to improve patient care, treatment and, ultimately, pancreatic cancer survival rates.

  • To create public awareness and raising money to find a cure for pancreatic cancer.


  • Founded on September 29, 2007

  • Raised more than $700.00 first year for pancreatic cancer research

  • Raised over $4000,00 for pancreatic cancer research

  • Conducted free to the public events in order to educate and raise awareness to this disease.


  • Increase the amount of sponsorship and donations toward the goal of finding a cure

  • Provide assistance to pancreatic cancer patients and their families

  • Present more educational opportunities to the public regarding awareness, diagnosis, and treatment

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